Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have a physical store?
At this time we are an ONLINE ONLY store. We are unable to accommodate in person shopping. Information on the Komo Mills, Ankarsrum and more can be found on our website. Feel free to email specific questions to us as well.
Shipping (the bad news)
We do ship! The bad news: Grains are heavy and using a carrier service for those items can get expensive. Our online cart does not reflect accurate shipping costs.
If you require buckets of grain to be shipped, we will create an updated invoice for the balance of shipping.
We wish it was easier!
There is good news (see next question!)

Shipping (the good news)
The good news: If you are between Calgary and Edmonton or going to be in the area (or know someone who is) shipping will be cheaper... we are willing to try to work out meeting up to deliver orders. If we can deliver to you
"in-person", we ask for your patience as sometimes it takes a little time for our schedules to allow a trip.
Are the grains Organic?
If the y say "organic " then ... Yes!
Also,Our convential grains are grown with practices that keep the chemicals out of the grain.